A modern, scientific-based perspective to traditional Buddhist principles of mindfulness and meditation, it is a flexible approach to reducing stress.
This flexible and customisable approach to stress reduction, is composed of two main components: mindfulness meditation and yoga. Instead of following a script or acting out meticulously described steps, mindfulness is practiced in the manner that best suits the individual.
MBSR ( Mindfulness Based Stress Release) was first put into practice by Jhon Kabat-Zinn at the Stress Reduction Clinic at the University of Massachusetts. But very quickly MBSR has shown to also be effectively enhancing the results of treatments related to:
- Anxiety and panic attacks;
- Asthma;
- Cancer;
- Chronic illness;
- Depression;
- Eating disorders;
- Fatigue;
- Fibromyalgia;
- Gastrointestinal distress;
- Grief;
- Headaches;
- Heart disease;
- High blood pressure;
- Pain;
- Post-traumatic stress disorder;
- Skin disorders;
- Sleep problems;
- Work, family, and financial stress (Center for Mindfulness, 2017).
With such an impressive list of benefits, it’s hard to argue against giving MBSR a shot, especially since the program does not require an unreasonable amount of time, energy, or resources.
We may have a short vision of what stress is and how it starts. Here are some Symptoms of Stress according to WebMD ( https://www.webmd.com/default.htm), stress can produce the following symptoms:
- Low energy;
- Headaches;
- Upset stomach, including diarrhea, constipation, and nausea;
- Aches, pains, and tense muscles;
- Chest pain and rapid heartbeat;
- Insomnia;
- Frequent colds and infections;
- Loss of sexual desire and/or ability.
Beyond these physical symptoms, stress can also have a big impact on your emotions and general mood. Stress.org describes a few of the mental or emotional symptoms of mounting stress:
- Difficulty concentrating, racing thoughts;
- Trouble learning new information;
- Forgetfulness, disorganization, confusion;
- Difficulty in making decisions;
- Feeling overloaded or overwhelmed;
- Frequent crying spells or suicidal thoughts;
- Feelings of loneliness or worthlessness;
- Little interest in appearance, punctuality;
- Nervous habits, fidgeting, feet tapping;
- Increased frustration, irritability, edginess;
- Overreaction to petty annoyances.